- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)11-0036-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:北京市属高校人才强教深化计划“建筑伦理学”学术创新团队成果
- 作者简介:秦红岭(1966-),北京建筑工程学院文法学院教授,哲学硕士,主要从事伦理学和建筑文化研究。
- 理想主义与人本主义:近现代西方城市规划理论的价值诉求
- Idealism and Humanism: The Value Pursuit of Modern Western Urban Planning Theory
- 浏览量:
- 秦红岭
- QIN Hong-ling
- 摘要:
现代城市规划自产生之时便背负着改造社会、改造城市的道德使命,其思想基础有着鲜明的价值诉求。从对圣西门、傅立叶、欧文等空想社会主义者的社会乌托邦思想,到被誉为西方近现代人本主义规划大师的霍华德、格迪斯和芒福德的城市规划思想回顾中,不难发现,理想主义与人本主义大致构成了近代以来西方城市规划思想史的两个重要的价值诉求。恰当地张扬理想主义精神和人本主义原则,能够为城市规划提供“应然”的价值尺度,有效抑制当今城市规划中工具理性和功利主义的滥觞。 - 关键词:
理想主义;人本主义;西方城市规划理论;价值诉求; - Abstract: Modern urban planning bear the moral responsibility of reforming society and cities from its beginning, its thought basis has clear value pursuit. No matter from utopian socialists’ socialism utopian thoughts represented by Saint- Simon, Charles Fourier, Robert Owen, or retrospect of urban planning from E. Howard, P. Geddes and L. Mumford who are called great master of modern humanism planning, it is not hard to detect that, humanism and idealism basically consist of two important value pursuits of modern western urban planning theory. Properly promoting idealism sprit and humanism principle could provide “should-be” value yardstick and efficiently curb flooding of utilitarianism and instrumental reason under current urban planning theory.
- Key words: idealism; humanism; western urban planning theory; the value pursuit
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