- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)12-0042-04
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:江苏省社科联2007年立项项目“城市老住宅小区整治出新及长效管理研究”(B-07-28)
- 作者简介:郭宗逵,男,南京工业大学副教授,博士,研究方向为房地产开发与经营管理;
- 城市老住宅小区长效管理研究
- Long Effective Management Study of Urban Old Residential District
- 浏览量:
- 郭宗逵 潘文辉
- GUO Zhong-kui PAN Wen-hui
- 摘要:
城市老住宅小区长效管理非常困难,其原因主要是维修改造资金无稳定来源,物业管理收不抵支,居民缺乏物业管理消费观念,物管企业的主动性不强,物业管理与社区管理未形成合力,物业管理未得到各方面的支持与配合。因此需要正确处理整治出新与长效管理的关系,创新长效管理体制,因地制宜地采取不同的管理模式,多渠道筹集管理经费,提高管理服务水平,建立长期考评机制,用法律法规来规范,实施长效管理。 - 关键词:
老住宅小区;长效管理;管理体制创新;管理经费筹集; - Abstract: The long effective management of the city old residential district is very difficult, its reason primarily have the funds of maintains and reform not to stabilize the source, the income of the estate management not enough to pay the expense, the resident lacks the consuming idea of the estate management, the enterprise of the estate management taking care of business not strong, the estate management not to become the resultant force with community management and not to get the support of each section. Therefore, it is needed to put positive connection both the renovation and the long effective management, to create the long effective management system, to adopt the different management mode properly, to increase the budget of the management, to raise the level of the service, to establish the tested mechanism of a long period with the help of the legal system.
- Key words: old residential district; long effective management; creative management system; increase management budget
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