- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2009)12-0057-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:教育部科学技术研究重点项目(项目编号:108074)。
- 作者简介:张晓瑞,合肥工业大学城市规划系讲师,国家注册城市规划师;
- 开发区总体规划编制中的用地适宜性评价研究
- Land Suitability Evaluation in Master Plan of Development Zone
- 浏览量:
- 张晓瑞 周国艳
- ZHANG Xiao-rui ZHOU Guo-yan
- 摘要:
用地适宜性评价是合理利用开发区土地资源,进行开发区总体规划编制的一项基础性工作。以安徽固镇经济开发区为例,运用GIS技术对开发区总体规划编制中的用地适宜性评价进行了研究。在ArcGIS9.2支持下,通过建立开发区的数字高程模型,提取高程、坡度因子,同时建立水域、居民点和道路交通因子图层,运用模糊层次分析法确定各因子的权重,最后在ArcGIS9.2的空间分析模块中进行多因子叠加分析,从而得到开发区用地适宜性评价结果。结果表明:很适宜用地占11.95%,基本适宜用地占69.08%,不适宜用地占18.97%。通过应用GIS旨在为科学编制开发区总体规划、合理利用开发区土地资源提供定量化的分析手段和结果,从而起到决策支持的作用。 - 关键词:
开发区;总体规划;GIS;用地适宜性评价; - Abstract: Suitability evaluation on land use is one of the fundamental works to use the limited land resources in Development Zone rationally. Taking Guzhen economic development zone in Anhui province as a research area, the applications of GIS on land evaluation in master plan of development zone is analyzed. Under the support of ArcGIS 9.2, it can extract the elevation and slope factor of the development zone by using the Digital Elevation Model. At the same time, the water, settlements and road traffic factor layers are establishment. The FAHP method is used to determine the weight of each factor. Finally, by using the multi factor-overlay method in the spatial analysis module of ArcGIS 9.2, the results of land suitability evaluation are generated. The results show that 11.95% of the study area is high suitability zone, 69.08% of the study area is basic suitability zone, and 18.97% of the study area is unsuitability zone. The aim is to provide quantitative analysis and results for the preparation of scientific planning and use the land resources rational through the application of GIS, which plays the role of decision support.
- Key words: GIS; development zone; master plan; land Suitability evaluation
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