- 空间发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)11-0075-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:40671051)
- 作者简介:苗涛(1986-),男,兰州大学资源环境学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向城市与区域规划;
- 兰州主城区城市意象空间和意象元素分析研究
- Analysis and Evaluation of Urban Image Space and Image Elements in the Main Districts of Lanzhou
- 浏览量:
- 苗涛 李丁 徐晓天
- MIA1 Tao LI Ding XU Xiao-tian
- 摘要:
本文根据兰州城市特色,将林奇的5 类城市意象要素进行细分,并转换为地点场所意象元素,通过访谈、问卷调查、照片辨别以及认知地图对兰州市民进行城市意象的调查,得出兰州市的公众意象图:以南北向天水路、皋兰路- 金昌路- 城关黄河大桥- 大桥北路,东西向东岗路-庆阳路- 西津路- 西固路等道路及黄河为骨架形成的网格状城市空间意象图。功能分区、行政区划影响着城市居民的总体城市意象空间结构,黄河、白塔山和五泉山却起到了边缘要素的功能。总的来看兰州市存在着较为清晰的群体意象即“公众意象”。 - 关键词:
兰州主城区;城市意象;认知地图;意象因子;意向元素; - Abstract: Urban image factors and urban image elements in the main districts of Lanzhou are selected according to the related field experts’ evaluation of investigation. The author investigates the image of the city through map-reading, questionnaire, photo identification and interview with Lanzhou citizens, and gains a public image of Lanzhou. We can conclude that the frame constitutes by roads landmarks nodes and function areas consist of the major public imaginary of Lanzhou. Functional division and administrative region may influence the spatial structure of city image of residents. The Yellow River, Mt. Baita and Mt. Wuquan have played a role of edge elements. Based on the above conclusions and findings, we can be clear of the public image of Lanzhou.
- Key words: main districts of Lanzhou; urban image; cognitive map; image factors; image elements
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