- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)03-0085-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:东南大学国家自然科学基金预研项目(批准号:XJ0750264)。
- 作者简介:王彦辉,东南大学建筑研究所,副教授,博士,国家一级注册建筑师。
- 中国城市封闭住区的现状问题及其对策研究
- The Gated Communities in Chinese Cities: Problems and Countermeasures
- 浏览量:
- 王彦辉
- WANG Yan-hui
- 摘要:
封闭住区的蔓延已经成为影响中国城市空间形象与社会发展的重大问题之一。在综合阐述我国城市封闭住区的现状问题和国外相关研究成果基础上,深入分析了其在我国快速发展的内在动因,进而对促进居住空间与城市空间一体化协调发展的规划设计策略进行了探讨。 - 关键词:
封闭住区;内在机制;优化策略; - Abstract: The spreading of gated communities in China has greatly influenced the development of urban space and society. After expositing the current situation of gated communities in China and abroad, this article analyzes the immanent causes and mechanism of gated communities in Chinese cities, and then discusses some design strategies to promote the integrative development of residential space and city.
- Key words: gated community; mechanism; optimizing strategy
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