- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)04-0029-11
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张中华(1982-),男,安徽淮北人,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院城市规划与设计专业博士生,主要研究城市规划理论与方法及旅游规划理论与方法;
- 场所理论应用于城市空间设计研究探讨
- New Interpretation of Place Theories Applied into Urban Space Design Researches and the Brief Introduction on the Design Methodologies
- 浏览量:
- 张中华 张沛 朱菁
- ZHANG Zhong-hua ZHANG Pei ZHU Jing
- 摘要:
场所是一个充满经济社会文化意义的空间,是构成城市空间结构体系的微观认知单元。场所精神的回归是后现代建筑学、城市学、地理学以及社会学研究人本主义空间观的焦点与趋势。场所理论从人的行为认知角度来认识人与居住环境之间的关系。城市景观是一个被赋予多重行为(文化)意义的地理外观,场所的差异性彰显出人的场所感。场所理论在地域文化建筑与本土化城市设计、历史文化遗产保护与管理以及城市景观环境认知与形态塑造等空间设计领域具有重要的应用价值。文章试图从人本主义空间观——场所理论的研究视角出发,从场所的行为文化认知规律切入,结合国外场所理论应用城市空间设计研究的价值取向及研究趋势,探讨场所理论架构下的城市空间设计的本质与方法论体系。从而为人居环境科学理论研究的微观原理研究提供新的理论视角及其实践应用可能。 - 关键词:
场所理论;城市空间;环境营造;城市设计;设计方法; - Abstract: The term of “place” is a space full of economic, social and cultural meanings and is also the microcosmic cognition unit structuring the urban space structural system. The regression of the location spirit is the focus and trend of post-modern architecture, urbanology, geography and sociology in studying the humanism space concepts. The location theories study the relationships between humans and inhabitation environments from the cognitions of human behaviors. Urban landscape is a geographical appearance endowed with multiple behaviors (cultures), and the discrepancies of places are evidences of the human senses of place. The place theories are of great application values in the fields of spatial design and research such as local cultural constructions and localized urban design, historical and cultural heritage protection and management, urban landscape cognitions, figure creations and so on. This paper makes an attempt to start with the views of humanism space concepts--place theories, and takes the behavior culture cognition rules of places as the cut-in point to initiate the discussions on the essence and methodology systems of urban space designs under the place theory structures according to the value orientations and development trends of place theories applied into urban space design researches in foreign countries, in order to provide new theoretical views and practical application possibilities for microcosmic principle studies of human habitation environmental science.
- Key words: place theories; urban space; environmental construction; urban design; design method
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