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- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)04-0069-08
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李顺成,韩国首尔市立大学(University of Seoul)研究生院城市行政系硕士研究生;
- 创意城市:老工业城市的再生之路——以淄博市东部化工区搬迁改造工程为例
- Creative City―A Road to the Urban Regeneration for Old Industrial City: A Case Study of Zibo East Chemical Industrial Zone
- 浏览量:
- 李顺成 胡畔
- LI Sun-cheng HU Pan
- 摘要:
创意城市是新兴起的城市学概念,它以城市文化作为切入点和基点,在此基础上寻求城市新的发展方向和发展模式。这种新的城市发展观点对我国正处于产业转型期的老工业城市具有启发意义。本文以我国老工业城市淄博市东部化工区搬迁改造工程为例,探讨利用城市再生和创意城市的理念将旧城工业区改造成为文化创意园区的可能性,并对老工业城市的创意城市发展战略进行思考。 - 关键词:
城市再生;创意阶层;文化创意产业;创意城市;老工业城市;淄博; - Abstract: Creative city is a new concept of urbanology. The paper focuses on urban culture, seeking for new direction and pattern for urban development. This new perspective of urban development is helpful for the old industrial cities in a transtional economy. This paper takes the case of the renovation project of Zibo, one of the old industrial cities, to explore the possibilities of changing the old industrial into cultural creative city and concentrate on the development strategy of old industrial and creative city.
- Key words: urban regeneration; creative class; culture and creative industry; creative city; old industrial city; Zibo
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