- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)04-0040-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:教育部重大攻关课题“中国城市化理论重构与城市化发展战略”(课题项目批准号05J2D0038)。
- 作者简介:杨锐,男,加拿大多伦多大学景观设计硕士,南京林业大学风景园林学院讲师,南京大学博士在读
- 都市港湾:多伦多堂河下游地段一次成功的景观城市主义实践
- Urban Estuary:A Successful Application of Landscape Urbanism in Toronto’s Lower Don Lands
- 浏览量:
- 杨锐
- YANG Rui
- 摘要:
加拿大多伦多堂河下游地段位于城市滨水区与堂河的交界处,原先处在城市的边缘地区,但是随着多伦多城市的不断扩张,大量移民人口的不断涌入,原先是工业码头的堂河下游地段面临着前所未有的发展压力。如何运用景观城市主义理论来缓解困扰多年的闲置与发展的矛盾,将该地区建设成能协调好城市、堂河和安大略湖之间关系的绿色湖滨社区,是摆在多伦多滨水保护建设组织面前的一道难题。通过对多伦多堂河下游地段2007年设计竞赛获奖方案“都市港湾”的介绍和解析,阐述了景观城市主义理论在快速发展背景下的适用性并总结出相应的规律,以期对我国新一轮的城市开发建设提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
都市港湾;景观城市主义;堂河下游;设计竞赛;启示; - Abstract: Toronto’s Lower Don Land is located in the intersection between Toronto Waterfront and mouth of Don River, a former port just east of downtown. With the rapid development of Toronto, more and more new immigrants are trying to move in; this area is facing an unpredictable pressure of future development. How to utilize the theory of landscape urbanism to resolve the conflict between abandoned and development has been a great challenge for Toronto Waterfront Conservation Agency (TWCA). This paper is focusing on explaining the application of landscape urbanism on fast growing situations. Via the introduction and analysis of the winning proposal “Urban Estuary” in Low Don Lands Design Competition in 2007, the author aims to find out useful lessons that Chinese cities could learn from the western experiences.
- Key words: urban estuary; landscape urbanism; low don lands; design competition;lesson
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