- 保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)06-0050-06
- 中图分类号:K928; TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:马俊,南京市文物局城墙处办公室主任。
- 南京太平门至琵琶湖段城墙维修对策与思考
- Maintenance Strategy of the Nanjing City Wall from Taiping Door to Pipa Lake
- 浏览量:
- 马俊
- MA Jun
- 摘要:
介绍了太平门至琵琶湖段城墙文物价值、地形特征和地理位置,概述了城墙现状调查数据及病害损伤现象,分析了发生城墙病害的主要原因,针对城墙发生的病害制定了相应的治理措施,其目的是确定文物的真实性和完整性,延长城墙寿命,提出了对城墙维修的几点思考,施工中吸取了以往城墙维修的教训,取得了一些成功的经验,可为科学保护城墙提供技术支持。 - 关键词:
南京;城墙;维修对策; - Abstract: In this article, the heritage value, topographical features and location of the Nanjing City Wall from Taiping Door to Pipa Lake are introduced, current situation’s survey data and the damage of the city wall are summarized and the main reasons for the damage are analyzed. Aiming at ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the heritage and extending the life of the wall, control measures for the city wall’s damage are formulated, some cerebration of wall repairs is provided. The mistakes of the past wall repairs were leaned and prevented during the construction and some experiences of successes were got. And all of these can provide technical support to protect the city wall scientifically.
- Key words: Nanjing; City Wall; maintenance strategy
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