- 保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)03-0069-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:刘晓惠,南京工业大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授,研究方向为景观规划设计和城市设计;
- 引入控制性规划的历史园林保护
- Regulatory Planning in Historic Garden Protection
- 浏览量:
- 刘晓惠 张雪飞
- LIU Xiao-hui ZHANG Xue-fei
- 摘要:
城市化快速发展的背景中,历史园林赖以生存的文化背景和传统环境正逐步退化消失;对其周边环境保护的认识误区导致历史园林的整体风貌遭到破坏与丧失。论文以国际历史园林保护的一系列“宪章”和“宣言”为依据,提出了历史园林保护的概念和保护原则,并针对保护对象的特殊性,对控制性保护规划的内容进行了探讨,包括视觉景观控制、划定保护区、土地利用策略、城市设计引导等。 - 关键词:
历史园林;控制性规划;保护原则;视觉景观控制;缓冲区; - Abstract: With the rapid development of urbanization, the traditional cultural background and the environment which surrounded the historical garden is gradually degenerating and disappearing. The misunderstanding of the protection of the environment surrounding the historical garden led to destruction and the loss of the overall outlook. According to a series of international “Charter” and “Declaration” on the protection of the Historic Garden, the paper puts forward the concepts and principles. In connection with its specificity, it discusses the content of regulatory planning, including the control of the visual landscape, the design of the protected areas, land-use strategies and guides of the urban design.
- Key words: historic garden; regulatory plan; protection principles; control of visual landscape; ecological design; buffer
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