- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)05-0029-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:步茵(1985-),女,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院硕士研究生;
- 城市新建区开发控制初探——以西北地区东部带形城市平凉为例
- Study on Development Control of Urban New Areas: A Case Study of the Strip City Pingliang in East Part of Northwest Area
- 浏览量:
- 步茵 黄明华
- BU Yin HUANG Ming-hua
- 摘要:
带形城市贯穿了西北地区东部城市体系,具有很强的代表性。在高速发展中,西北地区东部带形城市新建区的开发建设出现了各种棘手的问题,面临着十分严峻的考验。本文从带形城市新建区的具体特征出发,充分考虑带形城市的自然环境、政治、经济、社会等多方面影响因素,借助相应的数学模型和G I S 技术,建立基准模型和修正模型,对城市新建区进行开发强度分区,并在地块开发强度具体确定时,以容积率为例,从土地使用性质、地块划分与规模、城市形态、控制指标值域化等方面进行综合考虑,探讨适宜西北地区东部带形城市新建区的开发控制指标体系。 - 关键词:
西北地区;带形城市;新建区;控规;开发控制; - Abstract: The strip city that runs through eastern city system in northwest area is representative. With the rapid development, there appear a variety of tough issues in the eastern strip development and construction of new areas in northwest area. In this paper, given the specific characteristics and the city's natural environmental, political, economic, social and other factors, with corresponding mathematical models and GIS technology, baseline model and modified mode are established, and the new urban area is divided based upon development intensity, and the intensity of land development is specifically identified with the volume rate as an example. The nature of land use, land division and scale, urban form and the control target value domain are taken into account to explore the eastern strip urban new area in northwest area.
- Key words: Northwest; strip city; new areas; control regulations; development control
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