- 公共服务设施均等化研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)07-0014-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:家自然科学基金(40971097)、教育部人文社科青年基金(10YJC840036)、信阳师范学院博士科研启动基金和信阳师范学院青年骨干教师资助计划联合资助。
- 作者简介:高军波(1979-),男,河南信阳人,博士,信阳师范学院城市与环境科学系讲师,主要从事城市内部空间结构、城市与区域规划等相关研究;
- 转型期城市社区资源配置的社会分异研究——基于广州的实证
- The Research on the Social Differentiation of the Urban Community Resources Allocation in Transitional China: A Case Study of Guangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 高军波 周春山
- GAO Jun-bo ZHOU Chun-shan
- 摘要:
社会经济体制综合转型以来,市场机制逐步取代行政指令成为我国城市(社区)公共服务设施配置的主体方式,其空间分布形态也与转型前截然不同。本文以广州为例,基于城市公共服务设施专项调查、城市居民交通出行数据及问卷调查数据,对城市社区资源的空间配置进行社会生态学分析,研究结果表明:转型期广州城市社区资源配置呈明显向高收入地区聚集的特征,传统条件下的空间均衡分布模式被市场经济条件下高收入地区指向的集中布局模式所取代;但受地理区位、开发时序及功能定位影响,社区地位与公共服务设施配置并非完全一致;不同阶层社会群体聚集区的公共服务设施配套及其可达性差异明显,社区资源配置的社会分异特征显著。 - 关键词:
社区资源;社会分异;转型期;广州; - Abstract: Since the comprehensive transition of scio-economic system, market mechanism has been the primary provision means of urban public service facilities that is different from the pre-transition mechanism. transformation and its spatial distribution patterns has been changed greatly. This article explores the socio-ecological distribution of urban community recourses with a case study of Guangzhou city based on the data from the special investigation of urban public services, urban transport travel data of urban population and questionnaire surveys. The result shows that the community resources allocation has the outstanding accumulation features in high-income areas in transitional Guangzhou, the spatial distribution patterns of community resources has been changed from the spatial equilibrium distribution, which occurs in traditional planning economy, to spatial concentration in high-income areas which is caused by market economy reform. The community status does not always coordinate with the public service facilities allocation because of the geographical location, development timing and functional orientation. The public service facilities provision and its accessibility have significant difference in different income-level population gathering area, and the social differentiation in community resources allocation is significant.
- Key words: community resources; social differentiation; the transitional era; Guangzhou
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