- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)03-0084-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:陆圆圆,上海交通大学硕士研究生;
- 新加坡组屋规划设计演变及启示
- Planning Design of Housing and Development Board(HDB) Flats in Singapore: Evolution and Enlightenment
- 浏览量:
- 陆圆圆 李朝阳 廖金元
- LU Yuan-yuan LI Chao-yang Leow Kim Guan
- 摘要:
居住是城市的基本职能,住宅建设水平直接体现着城市社会、经济、文化发展水平。新加坡组屋以居者有其屋著称,50 年来,已从单纯解决房荒问题演变为提高住宅品质问题,并提升为国家精神内涵的载体。通过解析组屋规划、设计、建设的发展过程,针对我国城市住宅的发展现状和居民需求的发展趋势,从社会人文、城市规划、建筑设计等方面探讨住宅小区规划设计的有益启示,以期为我国城市住房,尤其是保障性住房的新一轮发展提供参考依据。 - 关键词:
新加坡组屋;住宅小区;保障性住房;住宅公共空间; - Abstract: As living is the basic urban function, residential construction level directly ref lects the development level of a city's society, economy and culture. Singapore HDB flats have evolved from a pure solution for housing shortage to one for improving housing quality during the past 50 years. By analyzing the development of HDB flats' planning design and construction, the enlightenment on residential districts' planning design is summarized according to the development status of city housing and the trends of residents' demands in china, which will provide reference for the new round development of urban housing, especially security housing in China.
- Key words: Housing and Development Board(HDB) Flats in Singapore; residential districts; security housing; residential public space
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