- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)08-0095-05
- 中图分类号:G124 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:史蕾琦(1990-),就读于江南大学商学院工商管理专业;
- 文化创意产业与城市品牌营销的研究——以无锡市为例
- Cultural and Creative Industries and Urban Brand Marketing— A Case Study of Wuxi
- 浏览量:
- 史蕾琦 王燕茹
- SHI Lei-qi WANG Yan-ru
- 摘要:
文化创意产业作为新兴的“朝阳产业”,近年来发展极为迅速,也越来越受到世界各国及各地区的高度重视。随着城市化的不断加深和城市竞争的日益激烈,城市品牌营销也受到了国内外各大城市的普遍关注。而文化创意作为城市品牌营销的核心要素和原创力时代的核心竞争力,在城市品牌营销中起着不可小觑的重要作用。无锡市具有“中国品牌经济城市”之称,近几年在经济转型的背景下对文化创意产业的发展非常重视,以此来增强城市品牌的竞争力。文章就无锡市如何通过文化创意产业的发展成功营销城市品牌提出了一些独到的见解。 - 关键词:
文化创意产业;城市品牌;城市营销; - Abstract: As a “Sunrise Industry”, the cultural and creative industries have rapidly developed in recent years, attracting more and more attention from countries and regions all over the world. With the gradual process of urbanization and increasingly fierce competition, urban brand marketing has become a general concern for all the big cities at home and abroad. Cultural creativity, the core element of urban brand marketing and the key competitiveness in this era of original creativity, plays an extremely important role in the process of urban brand marketing. Against the background of economic transformation, Wuxi, one of the “Chinese Brand Economic Cities”, has attached great importance to the development of its cultural and creative industries in recent years in order to strengthen its brand competitiveness. In this paper, the author raised some unique viewpoints about how Wuxi succeeded in promoting its urban brand through the development of the cultural and creative Industries.
- Key words: cultural and creative industries; urban brand; urban marketing
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