- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)09-0042-07
- 中图分类号:F426.92 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:叶祖达,北京大学理学博士,北京大学城市环境学院城市规划设计中心,香港规划师学会原会长。
- 中国城市绿色建筑地理分布
- The Geography of Green Buildings in Chinese Cities
- 浏览量:
- 叶祖达
- Stanley C T YIP
- 摘要:
论文从宏观经济角度分析我国绿色建筑在不同城市由于市场认受程度不同而造成的地理分布差异性,指出虽然目前我国《绿色建筑评价标准(GB50378-2006)》是全国性的,但由于不同城市的宏观经济和房地产市场条件差异,导致绿色建筑项目在不同城市的地理分布明显不一样,这种差异表现为“空间非均匀性”。研究绿色建筑项目的地理分布重要性在于:数据的研究和分析可以为房地产行业提供有效进入绿色建筑市场的战略信息,推动绿色建筑市场化发展;也可以为未来深化绿色建筑标准与激励政策提供参考。并进一步分析影响其空间分布差异的 6 个宏观经济和房地产市场因素,包括:国民生产总值、人口、人均可支配收入、商品房竣工面积、商品房平均售价、商品房造价。这些因素对不同星级绿色建筑的影响程度也是不同的,指出了绿色建筑的政策实施效率和地方经济条件是分不开的 , 必须对绿色建筑在地方实施的成本效益进行研究。 - 关键词:
绿色建筑;绿色建筑评价标准;GB50378-2006;;城市宏观经济;城市房地产经济; - Abstract: This paper examines the varying levels of market acceptance of green buildings in different Chinese cities. Although the current “Green Building Assessment Standards(GB50378-2006)” is applied equally in all cities, due to the differences in macro-economic and local real estate market conditions, the geographical distribution of the Green Buildings varies signifcantly across the country. This refects the ‘spatial heterogeneity’ of green building locations. The study of the geography of the green buildings is important because: (1) it provides strategic market information for market entry decisions for the development industry; and (2) it also valuable data for the further development of the government green building incentive policies, standards and implementation effectiveness. Six city level macro-economic and real estate market factors are further studied: city GDP, city population, disposal income of residents, real estate gross foor area completed, average sale price, and average construction cost. Further analysis has suggested that the infuences of these six factors also vary amongst the One, Two and Three Stars Green Buildings under the assessment standards. All these fndings point to the importance of understanding how local market conditions will specifcally affect the implementation of the Green Building policies, and the need to undertake further studies on the cost and benefts of Green Buildings in different Chinese cities.
- Key words: green buildings; Green Building Assessment Standards(GB50378-2006); city macroeconomics; real estate economics
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