- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)09-0063-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:广州市属高校科研项目《广东“三旧”改造模式与政策创新研究》(项目号:10A142);广州大学2011年度教育教学研究项目(项目号:广大〔2011〕37号);广东哲学社会科学共建项目(项目号:07GO05)。
- 作者简介:李小军,广州大学广州发展研究院特聘研究员,公共管理学院副教授,硕士生导师;
- 广东“三旧”改造面临的挑战及政策创新研究
- Research on the Challenges and Policy Innovation of “Three Old” Reform in Guangdong Province
- 浏览量:
- 李小军 吕嘉欣
- LI Xiao-Jun LV Jia-Xin
- 摘要:
改革开放以来高速推进的城市化和工业化,导致广东陷入了土地供需失衡的困境。广东寄希望通过“三旧”改造,实现城市产业升级和空间重构的双重目标。但在具体的改造中,却面临着因改造规划滞后、地权界定模糊、筹资渠道狭窄、公众缺乏有序参与等导致的公平缺失的现实挑战。实现组织者角色、利益协调者角色、投融资者角色、监管者角色的政策创新,则是破解这些挑战的必由之路。 - 关键词:
“三旧”改造;土地权属;收益分配;政策创新; - Abstract: Since reform and opening, the high-speed advance of urbanization and industrialization causes the dilemma, which is the plight of the land supply and demand imbalance. Through the “three old” reform, Guangdong hopes to achieve the dual objective of industrial upgrading and urban space reconstruction. However, during the specific transformation, Governments at all levels in Guangdong are faced with different kinds of real challenges which cause mission of fairness, such as: the planning behind the transformation, vague defnition of land ownership, the narrow channels of fnance, as a result of the lack of public orderly participation, the lack of fairness leads to the real challenges. Policy innovation, such as the role of organizer, the role of interest co-ordination, the role of investment and fnance, and the role of regulator is the only way to break down these challenges.
- Key words: “Three Old” Reform; land ownership; income distribution; policy innovation
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