- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)03-0033-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:欧盟第7框架项目FP7-230824-ECURBS(Euro-Chinese Urban and Regional Bi-continental Research Scheme,欧中城市与区域研究项目),资助号PIRSESGA-2008-230224。
- 作者简介:汤爽爽(1982-),女,南京大学城市与区域规划系硕士,法国东巴黎大学巴黎城市规划学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为区域规划和城市化发展;
- 法国快速城市化进程中的区域规划、实践与启示
- French Regional Planning, Practice and Inspiration during Rapid Urbanization Period
- 浏览量:
- 汤爽爽 叶晨
- TANG Shuang-shuang YE Chen
- 摘要:
法国在“光辉30 年”(属于快速城市化时期)间,为缩小地区发展差距制定和实施了一系列区域规划,产生了包括区域生产力布局调整、城镇体系优化、城乡功能转型和人口有序迁移等方面的效果。在规划实施过程中,法国根据实际效果和发展背景,对规划导向和具体内容进行了适时调整。基于法国区域规划的实践经验,笔者对目前处在快速城市化时期的中国,提出针对中国区域规划的借鉴建议。 - 关键词:
区域规划;城市化;法国; - Abstract: French government formulated and implemented a series of regional planning during the 30 glorious years, with a major aim of narrowing the gap among different regions. These regional planning had some effect afterwards, including regional productivity layout, urban system, urban and rural function, migration etc. In addition, during the implementation process, French government adjusted the content according to the effect and the development background. Finally, on the basis of the French experiences, the author draws some suggestions for China, the country under rapid urbanization process.
- Key words: regional planning; urbanization; France
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