- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)03-0056-04
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:程红宁(1978-),汉,硕士,广东省城乡规划设计研究院/广州市城市规划编制研究中心风景园林设计高级工程师。
- “申遗”成功新形势下的风景区服务设施规划探索
- Discussion on the Planning of the Services Facilities in the Scenic Areas under the New Situation of Successful Application for the World Heritage
- 浏览量:
- 程红宁
- CHENG Hong-ning
- 摘要:
“申遗”成功是一把双刃剑,它给丹霞山风景区带来了旅游经济快速发展的机遇,也对风景区提出更加严格的保护要求。在“申遗”成功新形势下,风景区的服务设施开发需要更加慎重处理保护与开发的关系。本文以丹霞山风景区服务设施规划为例,研究和探索“申遗”成功新形势下,风景区服务设施控制性详细规划的重点和规划对策。 - 关键词:
申遗;风景名胜区;服务设施;规划; - Abstract: It is like a double-edged sword to apply for the world heritage successfully, which brings the opportunities about the rapid development of tourism economy, and makes more stringent protection requirements to the Danxia Mountain Scenic Area. Under the new situation of successful application for the world heritage, the development of the Services Facilities in the Danxia Mountain Scenic Areas needs dealing with the relationship between conservation and development more carefully. The paper takes the planning of the services facilities in the Danxia Mountain Scenic Area as an example to study the key points and planning strategies about the Regulatory Detailed Planning of the Services Facilities in the Scenic Areas under the new situation of successful application for the world heritage.
- Key words: application for the world heritage; scenic area; services facilities; planning
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