- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)06-0088-06
- 中图分类号:F299 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李妍(1986—),女,汉族,湖南长沙人,深圳华阳国际建筑工程设计集团长沙分公司,助理建筑师;
- 外籍专家视野下的宜居城市生活空间——以长沙为例
- The Livable Urban Spaces from Perspectives of Foreign Experts: A Case Study of Changsha
- 浏览量:
- 李妍 张卫
- LI Yan ZHANG Wei
- 摘要:
本研究采用半结构访谈方式,就长沙市宜居城市空间问题对19 名在长沙居住的外籍专家不同城市的生活经验进行比较,结果显示开放性佳、具有乡土特色的街区是最宜人的空间。然而在新一轮城市增长极的建设过程中,长沙的历史街区、现代混合居住小区正被封闭、功能单一的房地产所取代。城市化、当代城市规划理论等都是导致这些空间消失的因素,然而重塑并简化社会管理的国家意志以及软弱的公民社会是这一问题成为全球城市化问题的根本原因。 - 关键词:
外籍专家;访谈;城市生活空间;极端现代主义;长沙; - Abstract: This study asks foreign experts to compare their living experiences in Changsha with those in other cities with particular focus on the question “How does Changsha compare to other large cities that you have lived in?” with particular interest in the question “Have urban planning practices tended to homogenize modern urban life? ” In order to accomplish this study, the author designed a semi-structured questionnaire in interviewing 19 foreign experts. The result shows that local traditional or modern mixed use and opened neighborhoods are the most livable city spaces. However, the livable city spaces now are being demolished and replaced by closed and simple modern real estates. Urbanization and the modern urban planning theory are the leading factors; however, they are a worldwide issue.
- Key words: foreign experts; interview; livable city space; the extreme modernism; Changsha
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