- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)06-0070-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:陈亚美(1976—),成都城建投资管理集团有限责任公司,工程师,道路与铁道工程专业,硕士;
- 中心城区绿道设计分析——以成都锦江上游段绿道为例
- Analysis on the Greenway in Central Urban District - Taking Example of the Greenway Upstream of Chengdu Jinjiang River
- 浏览量:
- 陈亚美 彭健 玄丽
- CHEN Ya-mei PENG Jian XUAN Li
- 摘要:
通过成都锦江上游绿道设计实例,分析了中心城区的绿道内涵和建设特点。中心城区有两个特征,一是城市建筑高密化,二是人口密集化。特征一决定了绿道建设的空间条件——土地资源有限、绿道两侧建设界面已定、与市政道路交叉冲突等,因此如何因地制宜,依据沿线的地理、人文历史和景观资源进行绿道打造是设计中的难点与重点。特征二决定了绿道的主要使用对象是高密集的城市居民,从而确立了绿道的主要功能定位于健身、休闲、游憩,满足城市居民生态、田园、自然的生活品质诉求。 - 关键词:
中心城区;绿道;设计;分析; - Abstract: Based on the greenway design over the upstream of Jinjiang River in Chengdu, preliminary analysis is given in this paper focusing on the concept and construction features of the greenways in central urban districts. There are two features of central urban area: being with clustered buildings and dense population. The first feature determines its spatial conditions that the greenway construction condition is often characterized by limited construction land, already-fixed construction limits of side walls, interfering with urban roads etc. Therefore, the difficulty and key issue for the greenway design is how to build it at the given conditions taking into consideration of the surrounding geography, cultural, historical and landscape resources. The second feature, dense population, defines the main customer of the greenway, the highlydense city dwellers. Therefore, the main purpose of the greenway is set at providing a place for exercise, leisure and tourism, to satisfy the demand for green, country-land and natural life of the city dweller.
- Key words: central urban district; greenway; design; analysis
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