- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)06-0099-04
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:由北京市学术创新团队“后工业社会北京市国民收入分配与经济发展”项目资助。
- 作者简介:韩端(1988-),男,北京人,首都经济贸易大学经济学院数量经济专业硕士研究生,初级经济师,研究方向为金融工程与金融计量、宏观经济分析;
- 北京市后工业社会转型的战略思考
- The Strategic Thinking of Beijing’s Transformation to Post-Industrial Society
- 浏览量:
- 韩端 田新民
- HAN Duan TIAN Xin-min
- 摘要:
北京市正面临着“后工业社会”转型的战略契机。后工业社会经济方面的基本特征是由产品生产性经济转变为服务性经济,即以工业为主体转变为以服务业为经济的主要部门。本文通过回顾后工业社会理论,梳理出发达国家的后工业化进程。接着,剖析东亚各国虽然创造了增长奇迹,但走向后工业社会却面临巨大挑战的问题。然后,指出北京市已经显现出后工业社会的基本特征,正在走向后工业社会。最后,针对北京市的后工业转型提出战略性举措。 - 关键词:
后工业社会;产业结构;后工业转型;城市发展; - Abstract: Beijing is facing the strategic opportunity by transforming to "post-industrial society". The basic characteristics of post-industrial society’s economy is the product production economy to a service economy, namely the service industry becomes the main economic department of the economy. This paper reviews the post-industrial society theory, and describes the post-industrialization process in developed countries. After that, points out that although the East Asian countries has created growth miracle, the road to post-industrial society faces enormous challenges. Beijing is showing the basic characteristics of the post-industrial society. Beijing is heading for the post-industrial society. At last, put several forward strategic measures according to Beijing’s transformation to the post-industrial society.
- Key words: ost-industrial society; structure of industry; transformation to post-industrial society; urban development
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