- 城市竞争力
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)06-0116-05
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:景志慧(1976-),女,汉族,山西省右玉人,四川农业大学资源环境学院讲师,硕士,从事城市与区域规划研究;
- 基于主成分分析的临汾市2010年城市竞争力分析
- The City Competitiveness Analysis based on Principal Component Analysis of Linfen in 2010
- 浏览量:
- 景志慧 王利华
- JING Zhi-hui WANG Li-hua
- 摘要:
城市竞争力是指一个城市与其他城市相比较所具有的吸引、争夺、配置、转化资源以及创造价值的现实能力和可持续发展能力。研究城市竞争力对促进城市的可持续发展有着重要的指导作用。本文从经济竞争力、基本设施竞争力、生活质量竞争力、对外开放度竞争力、环境竞争力等7 大方面共32 个指标,借助s p s s 软件运用主成分分析法对山西省临汾市2010 年的城市竞争力进行分析,得出临汾市的竞争力在省内排名情况,其综合竞争力排名第5,处于中等水平。最后根据排名情况进一步分析了其城市竞争力优劣势,并提出了相应的对策建议。 - 关键词:
城市竞争力;主成分分析;临汾市; - Abstract: The competitive ability of the city refers to a city that has the abilities of the attraction, competing power, configuration, transformation of resources, the real ability of creating value and the ability of sustainable development compared with other cities. Studying the competitive ability of the city is of benefit for the promotion of the sustainable development of the city. The city competitiveness of Linfen city in Shanxi province is analyzed based upon 32 indexes of economic competitiveness, basic facilities competitiveness, life quality competitiveness, competitiveness of the opening rate and environmental competitiveness with the use of the principal component analysis with the aid of SPSS. It is concluded that the comprehensive competitiveness of Linfen city in Shanxi province ranks the fifth, which is in the medium level. In the end, the advantages and disadvantages of the competitive ability of the city are analyzed, and some corresponding countermeasures are put forwarded according to the ranking.
- Key words: city competitiveness; principal component analysis; Linfen city
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