- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)08-0021-04
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:刘应明(1976.8-),男,本科,深圳市城市规划设计研究院,主任工程师,高级工程师;
- 城市更新规划中市政设施配置标准研究——以深圳市为例
- A Study of Configuration Standards of Municipal Facilities in Urban Renewal Planning: A Case Study of Shenzhen
- 浏览量:
- 刘应明 何瑶
- LIU Yingming HE Yao
- 摘要:
深圳土地资源难以为继,城市更新已成为深圳城市转型的迫切要求。本文结合规划实践,对城市更新中市政设施配置内容、特点及市政量预测标准进行了分析,对排涝泵站、110k V 变电站、通信机房、移动基站、邮政所、垃圾转运站、公厕、消防站以及雨水综合利用设施等市政设施配置标准进行了研究。提出城市更新项目中市政设施应注重集约化、环保化以及生态化建设。 - 关键词:
城市更新;市政设施;配置标准;深圳; - Abstract: Due to the unsustainable shortage of land resources in Shenzhen, urban renewal has become an urgent requirement in city transformation period. Based on Shenzhen, this paper analyzes the necessary contents, features and prediction standards of different kinds of municipal facilities, then studies the configuration standards of municipal facilities, such as drainage pumping station, 110kV substation, communication workshop, mobile base station, post office, refuse transfer station, public toilet, fire station and rainwater comprehensive utilization. This paper points out that more attention should be paid to intensive, environmental and ecological construction of municipal facilities in urban renewal planning project.
- Key words: urban renewal; municipal facilities; configuration standards; Shenzhen
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