- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)08-0049-10
- 中图分类号:TU984.3; K915 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:徐曼(1986-),女,北京大学城市与环境学院,地理学(城市与区域规划)2010级硕士生;
- 浅谈亚太地区文化遗产地的可持续保护
- Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Heritage Sites in Asian-Pacific Region
- 浏览量:
- 徐曼 阙维民
- XU Man QUE Weimin
- 摘要:
在亚太地区文化遗产地的可持续性面临巨大风险的全球化背景下,本文从世界遗产保护的视角提出文化遗产地可持续保护的实现途径,选取亚太地区代表性文化遗产地,依据文化遗产地利益相关者与研究调查者之间双向互动获取的信息,并通过监测、评价、反馈三个步骤进行调查分析,在这些定量与定性分析结果的基础上,为实现亚太地区文化遗产地的可持续性目标提出具体保护建议。 - 关键词:
文化遗产地;可持续保护;亚太地区; - Abstract: The sustainability of cultural heritage sites in the Asian-Pacific region is confronted with severe challenges in the process of globalization nowadays. This paper points out a sustainable approach for cultural heritage sites from the perspective of world heritage protection. Through the two-way of information transfer between the multi-stakeholder in the relevant cultural heritage sites and the researcher, this paper analyzes the selected cultural heritage sites which would represent those in the whole region by three key steps: monitoring, evaluation and feedback. With the qualitative as well as quantitative results drawn from the analysis, this paper proposes specific suggestions on how to improve the sustainability of cultural heritage sites in this region.
- Key words: cultural heritage site; sustainable conservation; Asian-Pacific region
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