- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)01-0042-08
- 中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:海南省自然科学基金项目(412105)和海南大学青年基金项目(qnjj1292)资助。
- 作者简介:黎兴强,海南大学政治与公共管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,注册城市规划师,研究方向为城乡规划理论与方法;
- 回归城市:一种适应气候变化的空间规划新概念
- Return to the City: A New Concept of Spatial Planning for Adapting to Climate Change
- 浏览量:
- 黎兴强 田良
- LI Xingqiang TIAN Liang
- 摘要:
气候变化是21 世纪人类面临的最严峻挑战之一,中国城市正面临着向低碳转型的巨大挑战与机遇。回顾和总结有关文献的基础上,基于永续发展、紧凑发展和绿色发展的相关理念,提出“回归城市”概念及其发展框架,以期对中国各项空间规划的组织编制与实施管理提供一种可供参考的新概念。回归城市强调的是永续发展、紧凑发展和绿色发展三者的包容性发展及其EDL 协同发展,前者是后两者的发展基础,紧凑发展是实现绿色发展的主要方式和手段,其根本目标是实现“职· 住· 游”协同发展极大化,也是适应气候变化的有效途径之一。 - 关键词:
回归城市;空间规划;永续发展;紧凑发展;绿色发展;包容性发展;“职·住·游”协同发展; - Abstract: Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. Chinese cities are facing tremendous challenges and opportunities of the transition to low carbon city. This paper reviewed and summarized the relevant literature and put forward a concept framework of the "return to the city" and its development path based on sustainable development, green development and compact development. This paper provides a new concept for reference to China's spatial planning organization and implementation management. The sustainable development is a foundation for compact development and green development, and compact development is the main way and means to achieve green development. The fundamental objectives of return to the city is to achieve jobs-housing and tours synergy of development maximization, but also is one of the effective ways to adapt to climate change.
- Key words: return to the city; spatial planning; sustainable development; compact development; green development; inclusive development; jobs-housing and tours synergy of development
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