- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)01-0050-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:王吉勇,男,硕士,深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司。
- 基于供需矛盾的总部空间规划研究 ——以深圳中小企业为对象
- Pl anning Study of Headqua r ter Spa ce Ba sed on Contradiction between Supply and Demand: A Case Study of Shenzhen SME
- 浏览量:
- 王吉勇
- WANG Jiyong
- 摘要:
随着融资渠道拓宽及规模扩大,深圳中小企业的研发设计、行政办公、销售营销等总部功能的分离、独立现象日益明显,对总部空间的需求也日趋强烈。作为总部空间供给中的“弱势群体”,如何解决中小企业总部空间供需矛盾并合理引导其空间布局,成为深圳总部经济和规划研究的新课题。本文以供需矛盾为切入点,在对企业需求和规划供给定量分析基础上,提出当前深圳中小企业总部空间供需矛盾主要表现为结构性和功能性矛盾,认为规划引导的合理与否是产生、解决这一矛盾的重要因素。基于此,在中小企业总部空间影响因素分析基础上,通过构建空间评价指标体系,评价与识别中小企业总部适宜发展地区,建立中小企业总部空间“一张图”。并从产业链、行业分类、开发时序三个层面,提出中小企业总部空间规划指引,尝试从规划引导视角为当前供需矛盾的缓解和解决提供一种思路。 - 关键词:
供需矛盾;中小企业;总部空间;规划引导;深圳; - Abstract: As the financing channels broaden and scale expansion, the phenomenon of headquarters functions independence, such as R&D, administrative office, sales marketing, is increasing, and the headquarters space demand is stronger. As the “vulnerable groups” in the supply of headquarters space, how to solve the SME headquarters space contradiction between supply and demand and rationally guide space planning has become a new subject for headquarters economy and planning study. As the starting point of contradiction, the paper reveals the structural and functional contradictions between supply and demand, based on the analysis of space requirement and planning supply. Through analysis of influencing factors, the paper identifies suitable development areas for SME headquarters, and supplies a space platform for planning. Finally, the paper proposes the planning guidelines of SME headquarters space from perspectives of industry chain, industry classification, development timing, and provides a solution from the view of planning guiding.
- Key words: supply and demand; SME; headquarter space; planning guideline; Shenzhen
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