- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)01-0034-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:吕陈(1987-),女,汉族,浙江宁波人,中国城市规划设计研究院,硕士研究生;
- 近现代南京城市规划与实践研究——基于1927-2012年南京重大城市规划与建设事件的分析
- Study on Urban Planning and Practice of Nanjing based on the Analysis of Major Event of Urban Planning and Construction in Nanjing during 1927-2012
- 浏览量:
- 吕陈 石永洪
- LYU Chen SHI Yonghong
- 摘要:
本文通过对近现代南京城市规划发展历程的回顾,从近代(1927-1949)和当代(1949-2012)两大时期出发,分析了南京城市规划与实践不同时期的不同时代特征。近代南京由于其作为国都的特殊地位和所处的时代背景,其城市规划与实践带有明显的政治性,同时受到一些特殊因素的制约,具有鲜明的时代特征;而当代南京城市规划的发展则很好地反映了建国以来我国城市规划的发展历程,中国城市规划的进步是显而易见的,然而其向前发展的道路却是不平坦的。 - 关键词:
近现代;南京;规划实践;发展历程; - Abstract: The process of urban planning in Nanjing is actually a microcosm of the whole China. The 80 years of urban planning and practice in Nanjing reflects the history of urban planning and development in China. By reviewing the process of urban planning in Nanjing during the 20th century, different characteristics of urban planning and practice in Nanjing are analyzed from the modern time (1927-1949) to contemporary time (1949-2012). It shows that as the capital of Republic of China, Nanjing has an obvious political characteristic in urban planning and practice during the modern time. Because of its historical background, urban planning during this period was also restricted by some special factors. Meanwhile, the process of urban planning in Nanjing during contemporary time is a good reflection of urban planning in China since 1949. The progress of urban planning in China is obvious, but the way to it is not smooth.
- Key words: modern times; Nanjing; urban planning and practice; planning process
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