- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)01-0070-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:北京大学中国城市设计研究中心横向研究课题“佛山名镇总体城市设计研究”部分成果。
- 作者简介:崔翀,深圳市规划国土发展研究中心助理规划师;
- 历史文化景观廊道构建——以佛山禅城古镇为例
- Construction of Historical and Cultural Landscape Corridors: A Case Study of Chancheng Old Town of Foshan City
- 浏览量:
- 崔翀 周庆 杨敏行
- CUI Chong ZHOU Qing YANG Minxing
- 摘要:
佛山禅城古镇历史文化遗存集中,但面临保护与发展的多重危机。以禅城古镇为研究对象,从景观生态学视角,将廊道概念从遗产保护等宏观尺度引入中微观的城市设计:通过分析空间结构演变、评价历史文化价值并对重要遗产进行梳理,从而构建历史文化景观廊道;把以往古迹标本和分散碎片转变成具有整体连续性的景观体验,注重时间、空间和感官维度对典型历史文化资源和景观进行系统保护和展示再现,从文化景观的适应、传承、创新等方面探讨历史文化遗存保护和更新相结合的发展模式,拓展旧城保护研究的视野。 - 关键词:
文化景观廊道;历史文化名城;旧城保护;佛山禅城; - Abstract: With numerous historic and cultural relics, Chancheng, old town of Foshan city, is faced with conflicts of protection and development. This paper takes Chancheng old town as the example, and introduces the concept of the corridor of the perspective of landscape ecology, to the heritage protection in micro urban design area. By analyzing the spatial structure evolution and combing important historical value of cultural heritage, the paper raised the protection of the cultural landscape corridors. Meanwhile, the research focus on the history landscape experience of the space-time continuum, typical historical cultural resources protection and landscape system reproduction, from the dimensions of time, space, and sensation in order to explore the mode of historical and cultural relics protection and development, and expand the horizons of historical town protection research.
- Key words: historic landscape corridor; historic city; old city preservation; Foshan Chancheng
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