- 新型城镇化背景下的乡村发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)04-0024-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:中山大学博士研究生创新人才培养资助项目。
- 作者简介:卢道典(1980-),男,汉族,山东阳谷人,中山大学地理科学与规划学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为城市地理与城市规划;
- 城市重大项目建设中传统村落景观特色的保护与传承——以广州小谷围岛练溪村为例
- The Mode of Preservation and Transformation for Tradition Village Landscape in Construction of Urban Major Projects: A Case Study of Lianxi Village in Xiaoguwei Island, Guangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 卢道典 蔡喆
- LU Daodian CAI Zhe
- 摘要:
重大项目是推动城市发展的重要载体,具有投资数额大、建设强度高、工程时间短等特点,而近年来大量传统村落则在快速的城乡规划建设中消亡,许多特色鲜明的乡土文化濒临遗失。本文以广州小谷围岛练溪村为研究案例,总结其在村落选址与区域格局、空间布局与肌理、历史建筑以及民俗文化等方面的基本特征,梳理了在广州大学城选址小谷围岛实施建设中对文化景观特色保护与传承的做法,包括开展历史建筑调查研究、纳入文保体系、进行详细的规划设计、探索兼顾村落文化保护与功能置换的共赢模式、引入民营资本与运营机制等,最后文章从项目背景、运营体制、物质景观保护、文化传承等角度进行了反思。 - 关键词:
重大项目;传统村落;保护;转型;练溪村; - Abstract: The major projects are the important carrier of urban development, and they have some characteristics, for example, large amounts of investment, high strength of constraction, engineering time is short, etc. However, a large number of traditional villages disappear in the rapid planning and construction of town and country. So many of traditional culture border on disappear. This paper summarized the characteristic of Lianxi village, including location pattern, spatial distribution and texture, historical building, folk culture, and so on. It concluded the strategies for protecting the cultural landscape in the construction of Guangzhou university town, including investigation of historical buildings, introduction of cultural relics protection system, implementation of detailed planning and design, exploration of the Winwin mode for protection of historical culture and replace function, the introduction of private capital and operation mechanism. Last the paper analyzed deeply from project background, operation mechanism, protect the physical landscape, cultural heritage, and so on.
- Key words: major projects; tradition villages; preservation; transformation; Lianxi village
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