- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)07-0098-05
- 中图分类号:C93 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:吴国玖,财政部财政科学研究所博士后、副研究员;
- 政务热线:提升城市政府治理能力的有力杠杆——以南京市“12345”政府公共服务平台为例
- Administrative Hotline: A Powerful Lever of Improving Urban Governance Capacity - A Case Study of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 吴国玖 金世斌 甘继勇
- WU Guojiu JIN Shibin GAN Jiyong
- 摘要:
政府治理能力是构成一个国家或地区竞争力的核心和主导因素。对于地方和基层政府而言,责任、法治、回应和高效是其治理能力的核心要素。南京市“12345”政府服务呼叫中心构建了“一个号码找政府”的公共治理机制,成为畅通民意诉求、提升城市政府治理能力的有力杠杆。为更好发挥“12345”政务热线作用,加快推进政府治理现代化,还应进一步理顺管理体制和运行机制、加大信息资源整合力度、加强信息和服务标准化建设、加强绩效考核、督查督办、建立健全舆情分析和预警机制、积极引导群众有序参与。 - 关键词:
政府治理;治理能力;政务热线;公众参与; - Abstract: Government governance ability forms the core of a country or region competitiveness and dominant factors. For local and lower level government, the responsibility, the rule of law, response and high efficiency are a key element to its governance capability. Nanjing, “12345”government service call center built “the government of a number to find” public governance mechanism, reflecting clear public opinion demands and promoting city government governance ability of the powerful lever. To better play a role of “12345” government hotline, and accelerate the modernization of government governance, there should also be further strengthening of the management system and operational mechanism, information resources integration, the construction of standardization of information and services to improve the performance test and nuclear inspectors supervisory and establish a sound public opinion analysis and early warning mechanism, actively guiding the orderly participation.
- Key words: government management; governance capacity; government hotline; public participation
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