- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)07-0116-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家“十二五”科技支撑计划(2013BAJ03B00),宁夏回族自治区科技攻关计划(2011-411-0083),国家级大学生创新实验资助项目(131074925)。
- 作者简介:齐一聪(1989-),男,重庆大学建筑城规学院,博士研究生,从事建筑设计及其文化、城市遗产保护、城镇化研究;
- 回坊社区的现代城市释意——析围寺而居
- Back to the Lane Community Interpretation Modern City -from around the Mosque and Speak
- 浏览量:
- 齐一聪 张兴国 贺增
- QI Yicong ZHANG Xingguo HE Zeng
- 摘要:
在被城市经济主导下的城市体系建构过程中,多数的精神文化内涵都被忽略,城市可持续发展问题亟不可待,地域性的本土化聚落模式从城市视角透视着重要影响,围寺而居作为回族典型聚落模式对于现代的城市各个方面有着不同的启示,而看似与当下城市格局格格不入的回坊空间却对于城市发展存在诸多正面意义,文章通过城市视角剖析围寺而居的构建体系与动力机制,通过调查、研究、分析不同地区的回坊,得出其对于现代城市的文化建构、历史延续等重要作用的共通性,揭示其精神内涵对于城市可持续发展的积极作用,提出保护与应用此种模式的重要性,为民族聚落的延续和现代城市的未来发展寻找复杂的平衡。 - 关键词:
回族;围寺而居;城市文化;建构;机制研究;聚落; - Abstract: In the city which is dominated by the economic system in the process of construction, the spirit of the most cultural connotation are ignored , badly needed for urban sustainable development problem, regional localization of settlement pattern angle into the important influence from the cities. Around the temple as a typical settlement pattern of hui nationality in all aspects for the modern city with different inspirations, and seemingly and back into the lane space of the urban pattern fit for city's development has many positive significance. In this paper, through the perspective of city around the temple in the build system and incentive mechanism, through the investigation, research and analysis in different parts of the back lane, concluded its culture to the modern city construction, an important role in history continuation of convergence, to reveal its spirit connotation for positive role for the sustainable development of city, puts forward the importance of the protection and application of this model, for the continuation of ethnic groups and the future development of the modern city looking for complex balance.
- Key words: the hui nationality; the house around the temple; the house; urban culture; construction;mechanism research; settlement
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