- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)07-0109-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51208335/E080201);天津市建设系统软课题(2013-软6)。
- 作者简介:张秀芹,女,博士,天津城建大学建筑学院,讲师;
- 泛旅游时代旅游型城市新区优化设计——以济宁北湖省级旅游度假区为例
- Optimization of Tourism-Oriented New Urban District Design in Pan-tourism Era: A Case Study of Jining North-Lake Provincial Tourist Resort
- 浏览量:
- 张秀芹 于伟 王月
- ZHANG Xiuqin YU Wei WANG Yue
- 摘要:
泛旅游时代的到来使城市的旅游功能越来越成为新区建设与开发的重要驱动力之一。济宁北湖省级旅游渡假区是山东省重点建设的旅游度假区,也是济宁市委、市政府实施中心城区“东拓西跨南联北延”战略,承接北部老城区空间外溢的重要载体和建设主体。本次规划在泛旅游视角的引导下,立足于城市空间与泛旅游空间需求关系的基础上,通过道路与交通整合、城市结构规划、空间与功能提升以及旅游系统优化等,将城市新区的功能与空间规划跟旅游度假区的开发建设相结合,并提出开发策略建议,力图促进城市新区建设与城市旅游功能的协同发展。 - 关键词:
旅游度假区;泛旅游空间;城市空间;优化设计;济宁市; - Abstract: Along with the coming of the pan-tourism era, the tourism function has become one of the greatest important driving force for the construction and development of new urban district. Jining North-Lake Provincial Tourist Resort is a key tourist resort project in Shandong Province, and also the main construction work in space expansion strategy with its focus from the north city to the south of Jining Government. In the perspective of pan-tourism, through the integration of road and traffic, the optimization of function and space, and urban structure and travel planning, the project combines the exploitation of tourist resort with the integration of function and the space of new urban district, and puts forth some development strategies to promote the harmonious development of urban construction and urban tourism.
- Key words: tourist resort; pan-tourism space; urban space; optimization design; Jining City
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