- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)07-0103-06
- 中图分类号:K901 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:王蕾(1989-),女,沈阳师范大学旅游管理专业2012级研究生,研究方向为旅游企业管理;
- 关于国内旅游集散中心研究的文献综述
- Tourist Transportation Center Research in China:A Literature Review
- 浏览量:
- 王蕾 刘兴双
- WANG Lei LIU Xingshuang
- 摘要:
旅游集散中心作为一种旅游空间组织模式及旅游基础设施,具有重要的研究价值。本文通过对2003-2013 年国内旅游集散中心相关文献的统计与梳理,发现11 年间国内学者对旅游集散中心的关注总体上呈上升态势,其研究内容主要涉及概念探讨、形成与演化、性质功能、类型与模式、选址与布局、运营状况与效益分析、发展对策等方面。对相关文献的进一步分析,发现大量工作属一般性研究,以个案研究为主,缺乏较深层次的研究。今后,应注重对公共服务属性完善、城市文化展示、智慧型及与快速交通环境契合等命题的深化研究。 - 关键词:
旅游集散中心;公共服务;城市文化;快速交通;研究述评; - Abstract: Tourist transportation center serves as a tourism space organization pattern and tourism infrastructure with important research value. In this paper, the author analyzes tourist transportation center data from Year 2003-2013. It was found that during the eleven years there is an upward trend in the amount and content of this field, and most domestic tourism transportation center literature was focused on discussion of concept, formation and evolution, function, type and mode, site selection and layout, operation condition and benefit analysis, development countermeasure, etc. More case studies and less deep level research make the research achievements stay on the initial level of general study. In the future,there should be in-depth research on public service properties improvement, city culture presentation, integration of intelligent tourism and rapid transit environment.
- Key words: tourist transportation center; public service; city culture; rapid transit; research review
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