- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)10-0100-08
- 中图分类号:X32 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.10.017
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(13YJAZH116);江苏省“青蓝工程”。
- 作者简介:朱阳光,男,汉族,安徽合肥人,苏州科技学院在读研究生,研究方向为环境规划与管理;
- 邻避效应研究述评与展望
- Progress in Study of Not in My Back Yard Effect
- 浏览量:
- 朱阳光 杨洁 邹丽萍 乔萌萌 田雨 徐洪泽
- ZHU Yangguang YANG Jie ZOU Liping QIAO Mengmeng TIAN Yu XU Hongze
- 摘要:
城市规模的日益扩大,公共设施的需求不断地增加,而城市居民健康保护意识的增强和邻避设施客观上存在的负外部性,致使邻避设施越来越受到周边居民的强烈抵制,从而产生邻避效应。在调研文献的基础上阐述了邻避效应概念的产生、发展及内涵,着重从相关案例的分析以及社会、管理和心理等方面回顾和讨论了邻避效应的成因,得出利益冲突(空间不均衡的成本——利益分配结构)是导致邻避效应的根本原因,并从经济补偿、制度缓解和工程技术缓解等方面讨论了邻避效应的解决机制。比较分析了国内外邻避效应理论的研究差异,总结了该理论知识的扩散路径。最后对邻避效应研究进行展望,以期望为城市邻避效应的管理提供理论基础。 - 关键词:
邻避效应;邻避设施;成因;解决机制; - Abstract: The demands for public facilities are increased with the expanding size of urban cities. With the increase of people’s awareness of health protection, NIMBY conflict is engendered because of objectively negative externality of adjacent facilities which have been strongly resistant by local residents. The cause, development and connotation of the concept of NIMBY effect are analyzed. Then, the paper focuses on reviewing and discussing the cause of NIMBY effect from some relevant specific cases and the aspects such as society, management, psychology, etc, and concludes that a conflict of interest (unbalanced cost-benefit distribution structure in space) is the essence of NIMBY effect. Finally, this paper discusses the solving mechanism of NIMBY effect from the perspectives of economic compensation, system mitigation and engineering technology mitigation, comparative analysis of the differences of the theory research on NIMBY effect at home and abroad, summarizes the diffusion path of theory knowledge about NIMBY effect, prospects for the NIMBY research to provide theoretical basis for the management of cities’ NIMBY effect.
- Key words: NIMBY effect; NIMBY facility; reasons; solving mechanism
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