- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)02-0073-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.02.013
- 作者简介:郭宇光,天津财经大学。
- 山西省城镇化质量与城镇化规模的实证分析
- An Empirical Analysis of Urbanization Quality and Scale in Shanxi Province
- 浏览量:
- 郭宇光
- GUO Yuguang
- 摘要:
城镇化质量与城镇化规模是城镇化内部机制的两个关键因素,两者的协调性决定了城镇化效果的优劣,对城镇化质量与规模的发展状况以及两者之间的协调关系进行分析研究具有重要意义。本文构建评价指标体系对山西省11 个地级市的城镇化质量与规模进行测度,并分析两者的协调关系,结果表明:1. 山西省各城市的城镇化质量不断提升,城镇化规模不断扩大,特别在2007 年以后,质量与规模的增长均明显加快。2. 山西省各地级市的城镇化水平由低水平向中等水平发展,城镇化质量与规模偏离情况的变化有所不同。3. 山西省城镇化质量与规模协调关系存在明显的空间分异,两者偏离程度逐年扩大。 - 关键词:
城镇化质量;城镇化规模;指标体系;协调关系; - Abstract: The quality and scale are two key factors of urbanization internal mechanism, the coordination of which can impair the effect of urbanization. The analysis of the development of urbanization quality and scale and the coordination between them have a great significance. This paper measures the urbanization quality and scale of 11 cities in Shanxi province by constructing evaluation index system, and then classified the coordination between the quality and scale. The results show that: 1.Both urbanization quality and scale have been improving and expanding in Shanxi province, especially after 2007, and the growth of quality and scale have accelerated significantly; 2.The urbanization level of Shanxi province increased from low range to medium range, and the change of deviation between urbanization quality and scale has some differences in each cities; 3.Most cities’ coordination between urbanization quality and scale have obvious spatial differentiation, and the deviation degree between them increased year by year.
- Key words: the quality of urbanization; the scale of urbanization; evaluation indexes; coordinating relations
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