- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)08-0106-06
- 中图分类号:TU-86 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.08.016
- 项目基金:天津市文化艺术科学研究规划项目,项目编号:D12073。
- 作者简介:刘辛夷,河北工业大学环境设计专业,硕士,讲师,研究方向:环境艺术设计;
- 天津租界建筑的风格特色在现代城市中的运用
- The Application of the Architecture Characteristics of Tianjin Concession to the Modern City
- 浏览量:
- 刘辛夷 范潇潇
- LIU Xinyi FAN Xiaoxiao
- 摘要:
通过分析天津租界建筑风格特色的传承,找出现存问题并对其今后在天津城市建筑中的运用,提出构想与展望。研究表明,对租界时期建筑成就加以整理,并从租界地丰富的西洋建筑文化遗产中整合、提炼形成具有代表性特征的符号化元素,将其运用于现代城市建筑之中,对天津的城市现代化发展具有理论性和实用性。 - 关键词:
租界建筑;传承;问题;运用; - Abstract: By analyzing the inheritance of buildingstyle characteristic in the Tianjin concessionto find out the existing problemsand its applicationin Tianjin city constructionfrom now on, the paper put forward theconceptionand prospect. The paper combines examples to expound and further demonstrates from the rich western building cultureinheritances. We can integrate,refine and form symbolic elements with representative characteristics,while applying it to the modern city.
- Key words: concession building;inheritance;question;application
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