- 城乡规划中的量化研究及应用
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)11-0020-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.11.003
- 作者简介:林文棋,清华大学生态规划与绿色建筑教育部重点实验室,高级工程师,博士,城市规划与设计专业;
- 多维数据视角下的北京南部城区空间发展分析
- Spatial Development Analysis of the Southern Area of Beijing Based on Multi-source Data
- 浏览量:
- 林文棋 马靓 褚峤 高永
- LIN Wenqi MA Liang CHU Qiao GAO Yong
- 摘要:
2009 年,北京市开始实施《促进城市南部地区加快发展的行动计划》(也称《城南计划》)。在多年的政策和项目倾斜投入之后,其政策效果如何,有哪些可借鉴之处,是规划业界和北京市民共同关注的话题。本文利用出租车卫星定位数据、公交刷卡数据、二手房价数据、人口统计数据等多源数据,从多维视角分析了北京市南部城区在《城南计划》实施后的空间发展变化和现状问题。研究发现:《城南计划》有效促进了南部地区的发展,但南部城区在空间结构、经济活跃度等方面仍处于落后水平,尚未达到规划目标。 - 关键词:
数据视角;空间分析;决策支持;城南计划; - Abstract: "The Action Plan of Promoting the Development of Southern Area of Beijing" has been implemented by the local government since 2009. How this action plan influences the southern area of Beijing and what lessons we can draw from this experience are required to be assessed before schemes can be discussed for the next stage. This paper is proposed to provide multi-dimensional analysis on the development path and existing problems of the southern area of Beijing. Permanent population, property price, infrastructure construction and utilization, and degree of individual trip generation are considered based on multi-source data, such as taxi GPS data, transit smart card data, second-hand property pricing data, and demographic data of Beijing. "The Action Plan of Promoting the Development of Southern Area of Beijing" is proved to stimulate the growth of the southern area in this paper. However, the southern area is still below average in many aspects, such as the spatial structure and the economy vitality, which does not meet the targets stated in related documents.
- Key words: spatial analysis; data-oriented analysis; decision making support system; the action plan of promoting the development of southern area of Beijing
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