- 城乡规划中的量化研究及应用
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)11-0002-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.11.001
- 作者简介:龙瀛,清华大学城市规划工学博士,清华大学建筑学院副研究员,剑桥大学国家公派访问学者,主要研究方向为城市空间量化研究及其规划设计响应。
- 北京城乡空间发展模型:BUDEM2
- Beijing Urban Developing Model: BUDEM2
- 浏览量:
- 龙瀛
- LONG Ying
- 摘要:
自2009 年北京空间发展模型第一阶段顺利完成以来,北京市范围内的地块尺度的空间数据(地块和建筑)和精细化的社会经济数据(居民和企业等)均有了大量的积累;同时,在技术方法层面也有了一定程度的发展,具备了进行微观尺度模型研究的条件。因此本文以北京市空间发展的大量数据为依托,直接面向北京城乡规划实践,对空间发展模型的理论和技术架构进行了深入研究,建立了一套多尺度、多维度的城乡空间发展模型:BUDEM(Beijing UrbanD e v e l o p m e n t M o d e l)。该模型由土地开发模块(宏观与微观)、人口空间化与属性合成模块、居住区位选择模块、企业区位选择模块以及基于活动的交通出行模块构成,可以对城市扩张与再开发进行模拟,并进行相应空间政策的评估。 - 关键词:
BUDEM;城市增长;土地开发;人口合成;区位选择;交通出行;北京; - Abstract: Since the accomplishment of Beijing Urban Developing Model (Phase 1) in 2009, we have accumulated more spatial data (include parcels and buildings) and socioeconomic data (residents and companies) in fine-scale level. Meanwhile, research methods developed to a certain extent. We have met the requirements of conducting micro-scale model researches. This article conducted deep studies in spatial development model theories and technical frameworks based on abundant spatial data in Beijing, and faced Beijing urban & rural planning practices. Under this circumstance, BUDEM (Beijing Urban Developing Model), which has multi-scale and multi-dimension research methods, is established. BUDEM (Phase 2) is composed of land development module (macro-level and micro-level), spatial & attribute of population synthesis module, residential location selection module, enterprise location selection module, and activitybased transportation module. These modules can be applied for simulating urban land expanding & redevelopment, as well as evaluating correlated spatial policies.
- Key words: BUDEM; urban growth; land development; population synthesis; location selection; transportation; Beijing
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