- 城乡规划中的量化研究及应用
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)11-0010-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.11.002
- 作者简介:沈振江,日本广岛大学博士,日本金泽大学教授,博士生导师,研究方向:空间信息技术在城乡规划领域的应用研究;
- 城市规划公众参与环节中VR could技术应用可行性分析 ——以日本东京涩谷区涩谷站人行天桥建设项目为例
- The Feasibility of Virtual Reality (VR) Cloud Technology Application in Urban Planning Public Participation: A Case Study of Shibuya Bridge Construction Project in Tokyo, Japan
- 浏览量:
- 沈振江 雷振汉 林心怡
- SHEN Zhenjiang LEI Zhenhan LIN Xinyi
- 摘要:
在城市规划编制和实施的过程中,公众参与是十分重要的工作环节。本研究是以V R c l o u d 为技术平台,以构建公众参与环节中的规划决策支持系统为基本手段,以考量市民对繁华地段人行天桥建设项目的设计内容的理解,以及对周边道路的环境变化的影响为主要目的。本文以东京涩谷站口人行天桥建设项目为实际案例,利用UC-Win Road 软件,搭建了服务公众参与环节的“参与型规划支持系统”,并通过问卷调查的形式考察了该规划支持系统应用在传达实际规划方案内容方面的可行性和局限性,以验证基于V R 平台所开发的视听一体化的规划决策支持系统是否能够有效提高市民对规划设计方案的准确理解。本研究旨在为规划编制过程中的公众参与环节提供可靠、科学的技术支持,促进规划编制和决策过程中的公众参与。 - 关键词:
公众参与;虚拟现实技术(VR);规划编制;规划决策支持系统; - Abstract: Public participation is one of the crucial parts in the process of urban planning. Based on a VR cloud platform, this research constructed an urban planning support system which aims at promoting the comprehension of citizen in the newly constructed project. A pedestrian bridge construction project located in Shiguya of TOKYO is taken as a case study. Firstly, we built a vivid 3D environment to model the real project, then, a questionnaire survey is conducted to estimate the citizen’s comprehension of each item in this urban design project. The feasibility and limitation of this public participate supporting system is illustrated. The possibility of using VR software as a platform for urban planning presentation is also estimated. The ultimate goal of this research is stimulating the application of reliable technique in public participation of urban planning.
- Key words: public participation; virtual reality; urban planning; planning support system
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