- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)02-0062-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.02.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助(项目批准号:51078003)。
- 作者简介:汪芳,湖南人,北京大学建筑与景观设计学院,副教授,博士,注册城市规划师,主
- 韩国首都功能疏解研究 ——从三个空间层次分析韩国世宗特别自治市规划
- Capital Functional Dispersion in South Korea: Study of Sejong Special Self-governing City Planning Based on Three Spatial Scales
- 浏览量:
- 汪芳 王晓洁 崔友琼
- WANG Fang WANG Xiaojie CUI Woo Kyung
- 摘要:
北京作为首都面临众多严峻的城市问题,2014 年政府已提出调整、疏解北京部分功能至周边地区。与此类似,韩国首都也面临着与周边发展严重失衡的问题。由于各种资源过于集中在首尔,2013 年人口已增至2360 万人,接近总人口的50%。因此,韩国设立了世宗特别自治市,通过迁移首都部分功能来带动整体发展。本文旨在从中心、周边、广域地区等三个层次,研究世宗市的规划思路和发展模式,提炼其特点,为北京首都功能疏解提出可借鉴经验。 - 关键词:
首都功能疏解;世宗特别自治市;行政中心复合都市地区;首尔都市圈;北京; - Abstract: As the national capital of China and one of the megacities in the world, Beijing is facing many challenging urban problems.Specifically, Chinese government issued the new strategy for Beijing in terms of adjusting and dispersing some urban functions to the neighboring areas in 2014. In this context, this study focuses on Seoul, the capital of South Korea, which is like Beijing facing with marked imbalance development between the capital and its neighboring areas. With the highly concentration of economic, political, and cultural resources in the metropolitan area of Seoul, the population of Seoul exceeds 23.6 million by 2013, accounting for around 50% of the entire population of South Korea. Therefore, the Congress passed the law to establish a new city, Sejong Special Self-governing City,to where movingpartial capital functionsto promote the package development. Based on three spatial scales,the center district, surrounding area and wide-area region, this study illustrates the planning ideas, development models and specific planning details of Sejong Special Self-governing City, of whichtypical and universal features could be referred to by Beijing in terms of the functional dispersion.
- Key words: capital function dispersion; Sejong Special Self-governing City; Multifunctional Administrative City (MAC); Seoul Metropolitan Area; Beijing
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