- 记忆场所保护与活化利用
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)08-0024-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.08.004
- 作者简介:言语,同济大学建筑城规学院,博士生;
- 记忆空间活化的人本解读与实践 ——环境行为学与社会学视角
- Humanistic Interpretation and Practice of Memory Place Revitalizing: From Perspectives of Environment-Behavior Study and Sociology
- 浏览量:
- 言语 徐磊青
- YAN Yu XU Leiqing
- 摘要:
借由艺术作品引出对记忆空间的讨论,认为“记忆”与“地方”的概念不同于“历史”与物质环境实体,而因主客体统一更偏向于日常生活的空间。历史空间更多地是被建构出来的与主体脱离的客体,而日常生活空间却是肌肤相亲的真实存在。提出这样的观点是基于目前存量规划的场所营造和记忆空间实践中往往对方法和目标都不明确,既不能尽建筑学本体范围内之责任,又在主体性建构和政绩工程中迷失,而保护需要从历史的定义走向日常的活化。因此,存量优化时代重在营造而不在于重建,重在人本而不在于形态。最后提出,对人本主客体统一的诠释,可借由心理化的人、场景化的人和资本化的人而进行思辨,引出可以对营造实践进行深层次启发的设计本体论哲学意涵。 - 关键词:
记忆空间营造;日常生活;场所实验;环境心理学;环境行为学;景观社会; - Abstract: This article presented the discussion of memory place by two artistic works, illustrating that memory and place are different from constructed history and the physical entity of environment, while the subjectivity and objectivity of later one are separated. Proposing this discussion is for answering questions in the context of inventory planning practice and placemaking, which often encountered a lot of problems caused by uncertainty of targets and methodology. These practices usually neither finished their duty as an architect nor accomplished building subjectivity in the community and were only concerned about how to achieve political goal. Protection needs to be related with revitalizing everyday life rather than history definition. Hence, we should do place making rather than reconstruction, and attach more emphasis on people of the design rather than form. At last, interpretation on combination of subjectivity and objectivity was critically discussed by involving situationalized people, psychologized people and capitalized people to get philosophy meaning and deep enlightenment in both placemaking and architecture context.
- Key words: memory place placemaking; everyday life; place experiment; environmental psychology; environment-behavior studies; the society of spectacle
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