- 记忆场所保护与活化利用
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)08-0033-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.08.005
- 项目基金:国家社科基金重大项目《我国城镇化进程中记忆场所的保护与活化创新研究》(编号:14ZDB139)的阶段性研究成果;国家自然科学基金项目《城镇变迁中基于叙事视野下记忆场所的保护理论研究》(编号:51278292):“城市滨水区景观重构中的全球性与地方性耦合机制”(编号:41471120)。
- 作者简介:朱佳维(1990-),男,上海交通大学建筑学系硕士研究生;
- 空间句法视角下记忆场所的地域差异 性研究 ——以云南怒江流域怒族传统民居为例
- Research on Regional Difference of Memory Places with Space Syntax: A Case Study of the Traditional Residential Architectures of Nu Nationality
- 浏览量:
- 朱佳维 陆邵明 杜力
- ZHU Jiawei LU Shaoming DU Li
- 摘要:
住屋是乡愁记忆中的典型场所。如何认知住屋中的地域文化基因及其特征是其保护和传承的前提。现有少数民族民居研究侧重于共性的考察,一定程度上忽视了地域差异性、多样性。以怒江流域怒族民居为例,选取怒江州南部老姆登村与北部的秋那桶村的代表性怒族民居建筑,通过拓扑关系和空间整合度的空间句法手段深入分析,阐述在同一流域的少数民族民居建筑空间的地域差异性,并探寻其中的自然与文化的生成机制。研究的目的是为保留并传承多样性的少数民族记忆场所及基因提供思路。 - 关键词:
怒族;地域差异性;空间句法;文化记忆;记忆场所; - Abstract: House is a typical place in the memory of Xiangchou. And we often put the emphasis on the unity of traditional residential architectures in research. To some extent, we ignored the regional differences. How to cognize regional gene and diversity is the premise of protection and inheritance. Taking traditional residential architectures of Nu nationality for example, we select one in Laomudeng village (southern area) and the other in Qiunatong village (northern area) as representatives. Through space syntax we explain the difference of regional residential architectures in the same river. We try to explore the spatial properties of the expression of national life and cultural memory. This paper provides ideas to retain and inherit the diversity of architectures and places of memory of Nu nationality.
- Key words: Nu nationality; regional difference; space syntax; cultural memory; memory place
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