- 公共服务设施配置研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)03-0036-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.03.006
- 作者简介:郑纲,上海同济城市规划设计研究院,主任规划师;
- 产业先行新区的公共设施配置规划——以漳州台商投资区为例
- A Study on Public Facilities Planning and Allocation of Industry Leading Area
- 浏览量:
- 郑纲 耿慧志 王建华
- ZHENG Gang GENG Huizhi WANG Jianhua
- 摘要:
产业先行新区是我国城镇化和工业化的重要发展模式之一。从开发区到城市新区的发展历程揭示了生产性和生活性服务设施并重发展的趋势。生产性服务设施配置需符合生产性服务业的发展规律,且规模契合城市能级和区域分工;生活性服务设施配置需分析人口结构的演变规律,适应年轻人口的需求特征,保障低收入群体的基本需求,增强对高素质人群的吸引力。两类公共设施结合及多元文化融合有助于营造特色鲜明的城市新区。漳州台商投资区项目提供了可借鉴的分析方法和配置方案。 - 关键词:
产业先行;新区;公共设施;配置; - Abstract: Industry-leading area is an important way for China’s urbanization and industrialization. The growth from development area to new district shows the trend that productive service facilities and life service facilities are both important. Productive service facilities’ planning and allocation should obey the rules of productive service development, whose scale should be corresponding to the city scale and its roles. Life service facilities’ planning and allocation should match the rules of demographic evolution, to meet the needs of the young people, to guarantee the demand of blue-collar workers, and to appeal the white-collar workers. Those two kind public facilities work well to improve the development of a characteristic district. The case of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Area provides a worthwhile way of studies and allocation planning.
- Key words: industry leading; new area; public facilities; planning and allocation
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