- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)03-0117-07
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.03.018
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金项目“西南民族地区旅游城市化进程中的新型城乡形态演化研究”(13CMZ052)。
- 作者简介:章昌平(1981-),男,桂林理工大学副研究员,哈尔滨工业大学博士研究生,哈尔滨工程大学访问学者,研究方向:城镇化与区域可持续发展;
- 地名符号的传承与建构:基于城市记忆的地名公共服务体系研究——以南岭四省为例
- Symbolic Elements of Heritage and Construction: Construction of the Four Provinces of Nanling’s Names Public Service System Based on the City Memory
- 浏览量:
- 章昌平 张晓君
- ZHANG Changping ZHANG Xiaojun
- 摘要:
南岭四省拥有悠久的历史和多元交融的灿烂文化,又是重要的抗日战争和革命根据地,有着明显的地域特色。特殊的地理位置、历史条件和民族民俗文化造就了特殊的城市文化和记忆,形成了丰富多彩和地方特色明显的地名文化。在我国快速城镇化进程中,南岭四省城市地名的消失和更替阻碍了地名公共服务体系的建设,对城市记忆的保留与传承产生了严重的影响。本文对城市改造过程中南岭四省城市地名公共服务体系建设和城市记忆的保留与传承的作用关系进行研究,构建出了城市改造质量、城市记忆保留与传承、城市记忆工程和地名公共服务体系的作用机理理论模型,针对地名公共服务体系中的法规标准、地名标志、地名规划和数字地名四个子体系提出相应的政策建议以及技术路径,并研究了基于城市记忆的地名公共服务体系建设的影响。 - 关键词:
南岭四省;城市记忆;地名公共服务体系; - Abstract: Nanling’s four provinces have a long history and diverse blends of splendid culture, and they are an important anti-Japanese war and revolutionary base areas, which have obvious geographical characteristics. Special geographical location, historical conditions and national folk culture created a special urban culture and memory, forming a rich and local characteristics of the obvious names of culture. In the process of rapid urbanization in China, the disappearance and replacement of the city names in the four provinces of Nanling have hindered the construction of the public service system of place names, which has a serious impact on the retention and transmission of urban memory. This paper studies the relationship between the construction of urban public service system and the retention and inheritance of urban memory in the four cities of Nanling during the process of urban reconstruction, and constructs the urban reconstruction quality, the urban memory retention and inheritance, the urban memory project and the place name public service system. The paper puts forward the corresponding policy suggestions and technical path for the four sub-systems, such as laws and regulations, toponymic signs, place names and digital names, and studies the impact of the construction of the public service system of place names based on the city memory.
- Key words: Nanling; city memory; public service system of names
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