- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)05-0124-09
- 中图分类号:K901 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.05.016
- 项目基金:重庆市社会科学规划博士项目(2 0 17 B S 2 7)、中央高校基本科研业务费(SWU118001)、福建省社科规划项目青年博士论文项目(FJ2015C227)共同资助。
- 作者简介:李奕成(1988-),男,湖南衡阳人,博士,西南大学园艺园林学院讲师,研究方向为风景园林历史与理论;
- 品不够的风景 ——都江堰水利工程系统的生态智慧及人居意义
- Endless Scenery: The Ecological Wisdom and Human Settlement Significance of Dujiangyan Irrigation System
- 浏览量:
- 李奕成 张薇 王墨 兰思仁
- LI Yicheng ZHANG Wei WANG Mo LAN Siren
- 摘要:
都江堰水利工程系统是以都江堰渠首工程为核心,经历代发展而形成的成都平原上的区域引水工程系统。工程营建“顺势”进行布局,并“巧藉”自然而立工程主体。工程系统因人居需求“度情”发展,水量控制能力、工程管理能力、工程认知以及技术水平逐代提升。树立正确的生态工程观是都江堰数千年不衰的关键所在,其蕴含的生态智慧产生了广泛的区域示范效益。平原水系格局变迁下的区域人居调适、城市形态演进以及地域景观的生成是都江堰水利工程系统“以点带面”式多层面人居意义的具体表现。 - 关键词:
都江堰水利工程系统;生态智慧;人居意义; - Abstract: Dujiangyan Irrigation System is a regional water diversion project on the Chengdu plain. It takes Dujiangyan Headwork as the core and experiences development and formation through various dynasties. The engineering constructions layout “in harmony with site” and place the main structure “cleverly” in the nature. The engineering system “sizes up the situation” and develops due to human settlements demand: water quantity control capacity, engineering management ability, engineering cognition and technology level upgrade generation by generation. Establishing correct ecological engineering concept is the key to Dujiangyan’s millennium popularity, and its ecological wisdom produced a wide range of regional model benefits. The adaptation of regional human settlements, the evolution of urban morphology and the generation of regional landscapes under the changes of the plain water system are the concrete manifestations of the multifaceted human settlement concept of the Dujiangyan Irrigation System.
- Key words: Dujiangyan Irrigation System; ecological wisdom; human settlement significance
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