- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)05-0080-06
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.05.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(41501170);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金。
- 作者简介:张泽,博士生,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院;
- 上海市创新活动的微观分布空间特征:基于专利申请数据的研究
- The Micro-Scale Spatial Features of Innovative Activities in Shanghai: A Research Based on the Patent Data
- 浏览量:
- 张泽 黎智枫 肖扬
- ZHANG Ze LI Zhifeng XIAO Yang
- 摘要:
上海2040 总体规划明确提出建设“国际科技创新中心”的发展目标。而现有的研究视角主要关注宏观尺度下创新活动的特征要素,传统方法无法描述城市内部的创新活动空间分布特征。因此,本研究基于2013 年上海市专利申请数据,运用专利落点绘图技术方法(Paten tMapping Technique),试图深入探究上海城市创新活动空间的分布特征和格局。研究发现,上海中心城内部的主要创新聚落与 “一主四副”的空间结构存在契合;主要创新聚落的主体构成有三种代表性模式,企业、高校、科研院所作为创新主体,在创新活动的空间协同性仍有待加强。 - 关键词:
上海市;创新活动;微观尺度;空间分布特征;专利数据; - Abstract: Shanghai Master Plan (2015-2040) has listed the "Science and Technology Innovation Center" as a development goal of Shanghai. Existing research mainly focus on the macro-scale characteristics of innovation activities, while the traditional methods can merely characterize the spatial distribution of inner city innovation activities. Therefore, based on the Shanghai patent application data in 2013, we attempt to explore the spatial distribution of innovation activities in Shanghai by using the Patent Mapping Technique. Results show that the spatial distribution of top 5 innovation clusters is similar with the spatial structure of inner Shanghai. Innovation clusters of Shanghai can be sorted to 3 representative models. Enterprises and universities, research institutes are the main innovators, but they should strengthen the spatial collaboration with each other.
- Key words: Shanghai; innovative activities; micro-scale; spatial distribution; patent data
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