- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)05-0065-07
- 中图分类号:F249.21 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.05.009
- 项目基金:重庆市教育科学“十三五”规划2016年度重点有经费课题“重庆市高等教育投入产出效率评价与提升对策研究”(2016-G X-007);重庆市研究生科研创新项目“长江上游地区农村人力资本增收效应的空间特征研究”(CYS17244)。
- 作者简介:刘婉琪,女,重庆工商大学经济社会应用统计重点实验室,硕士,主要从事经济统计研究;
- 成渝城市群人力资本效率的测度与评价 ——基于三阶段DEA 的实证分析
- The Measurement and Evaluation of Chengyu City Agglomeration’s Human Capital Efficiency ——An Empirical Study Based on the Three-stage DEA
- 浏览量:
- 刘婉琪 任毅
- LIU Wanqi REN Yi
- 摘要:
人力资本是国家和地区可持续发展的战略资源,提升人力资本效率是建设成渝城市群的必由路径。基于三阶段D E A 模型对成渝城市群2014 年的人力资本效率进行实证研究,探索外部因素、效率水平、区域差异等方面对成渝城市群人力资本效率现状及发展路径的影响。研究发现:教育投入、开放水平和技术水平等外部因素对人力资本投入冗余有显著影响;规模效率是限制成渝城市群人力资本效率提升的主要因素;成渝城市群人力资本的发展具有区域差异性特征。最后,根据研究结论得到若干启示。 - 关键词:
成渝城市群;人力资本;效率;三阶段DEA; - Abstract: The promotion of the human capital efficiency is an important role in the effective implementation for the strategy of the development of the western region in China, at the same time, it is also essential for the construction of Chengyu City Agglomeration. Based on the three-stage DEA model, the paper takes the environmental impact, the structure of efficiency, the regional differences and other aspects for researching the status and the development of Chengyu City Agglomeration’s human capital efficiency. The research indicates three conclusions. First of all, the educational investment, the opening level and the technological level have a significant impact on the investment of redundancy in human capital. Secondly, the scale efficiency is disadvantageous to the development of Chengyu City Agglomeration’s human capital efficiency. The third one is that Chengyu City Agglomeration’s human capital efficiency has obvious region difference. At last, we get several inspirations based on the conclusions.
- Key words: Chengyu City Agglomeration; human capital; efficiency; three-stage DEA
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