- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)01-0088-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.01.014
- 项目基金:国家艺术基金:2017-A-04-(120)-0634。
- 作者简介:左红伟,男,合肥工业大学建筑与艺术学院,硕士研究生;
- 历史街区建筑立面“二次轮廓”的视觉量化研究——以安徽屯溪老街为例
- A Visual Quantitative Study on "Second Contour" of the Historic Blocks :Taking the Tunxi Ancient Street, Anhui for Example
- 浏览量:
- 左红伟 李早 喻晓 王达仁 崔巍懿
- ZUO Hongwei LI Zao YU Xiao WANG Daren CUI Weiyi
- 摘要:
本研究首先对屯溪老街主街道立面进行眼动实验以获得人们对街道“二次轮廓”(临时外部附 加物)视觉行为的量化分析,得出“二次轮廓”中侧向招牌、灯笼、雨篷、货物台、对人的视 觉吸引力依次降低 ;其次,采取问卷调查法对老街现状进行初步风貌评价,得出老街“二次轮 廓”中各要素与传统风貌的关联性 ;最后针对“二次轮廓”中各要素提出相应的优化建议。 - 关键词:
屯溪老街;二次轮廓;眼动实验;视觉量化分析;优化建议; - Abstract: This study, first of all, adopts an eye movement experiment on the facade of Tunxi ancient street to carry out a quantitative analysis in order to get the visual appeal of lateral signs, lanterns, awning, outdoor items in “second contour” (temporary external annexations) in space is decrease in turn; Besides, it conducts questionnaire survey to conduct preliminary appearance evaluation of the main street of Tunxi ancient street and the relationship between elements and traditional appearance in the “second contour” of the ancient street. In the end, it proposes the corresponding optimization proposals in elements in the “second contour”.
- Key words: Tunxi ancient street; second contour; eye movement experiment; visual quantitative analysis; optimization proposal
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