- 儿童友好型城市建设研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)01-0002-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.01.001
- 作者简介:江文文,武汉市规划研究院;
- 澳大利亚儿童友好城市建设及启示
- Experiences and Inspirations of the Construction of Child- Friendly Cities in Australia
- 浏览量:
- 江文文 韩笋生
- JIANG Wenwen HAN Sunsheng
- 摘要:
快速城镇化以及近年来的开放街区、汽车主导的城市空间变化,改变了儿童生活环境。以澳大 利亚为例,阐释儿童友好城市的概念,分析其在制度保障、多方协同、儿童参与等方面的实践, 以本迪戈实践解析其建设儿童友好城市的具体行动,给中国建设儿童友好城市提出相应建议。 - 关键词:
儿童友好城市;制度保障;多方协同;儿童参与;本迪戈;澳大利亚; - Abstract: The rapid urbanization in China, together with a number of recent changes in the built environment, such as denser street networks and increasing car-domination, have made it an urgent task to study how children’s need for a better environment could be met. This paper discusses the Australian experience in building child-friendly cities, with a focus on the definition of the child-friendly city, the necessary institutional arrangement, multi-dimensional cooperation, and children’s participation. Bendigo is used as a case study to illustrate the specific action framework for making it child friendly. These discussions lead to several suggestions for China to consider in order to build child-friendly cities.
- Key words: child-friendly city; institutional arrangement; multi-dimensional cooperation; children’s participation; Bendigo; Australia
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