- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)01-0111-07
- 中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.01.017
- 项目基金:中国科学院国际合作局对外重点项目“丝绸之路经济带中哈(塔城)国际合作示范 区规划思路研究”(131A11KYS B20150031);新疆教育厅研究生科研创新项目“丝绸之路经济 带下构建新疆自由贸易区研究”(XJGRI2015001)。
- 作者简介:旦志红(1971-),女,乌鲁木齐职业大学教师,副教授,世界经济专业、俄 罗斯中亚经济研究方向博士。
- 基于城乡产业一体化视角的旅游资源开发研究——以中哈边境城市塔城为例
- On Exploration of Tourism Resources Based on Urban- Rural Industries Integration :A Case Study of Border Town Tacheng
- 浏览量:
- 旦志红
- DAN Zhihong
- 摘要:
以丝绸之路经济带核心区建设为契机,以中哈(塔城)1国际合作示范区建设为平台,以跨学 科研究方法,实现对“城乡产业一体化”与“旅游资源开发”的整合性研究。以城乡产业一体 化推进城乡总体发展一体化为目标,探索我国城乡产业一体化背景下旅游资源开发的有效路径。 充分发挥塔城第一产业(种植业)的前向关联效应,挖掘塔城第三产业(旅游、餐饮业)的价 值洼地,并带动以塔城优势种植业产品为原料的第二产业(特产加工)的发展。以农业旅游资 源开发为切入点,探索中哈旅游资源共享的合作方式,培育塔城三次产业之间的供需链,形成 三次产业联动、可循环的绿色产业发展模式。通过开发塔城水域风光、生物观光、旅游商品资 源,精心打造“油画中的塔城”——“千泉塔城”、“花园塔城”、“果蔬塔城”、“厨房塔城”、“丝 路塔城”等系列特色旅游品牌。为农业主导型边境小城在城乡产业一体化背景下的旅游资源开 发提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
城乡;产业一体化;中哈;塔城;旅游资源; - Abstract: Taking the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt as an opportunity, with the construction of the Sino-Kazakhstan (Tacheng) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone as a platform, the interdisciplinary research method will be used to realize the integration of “urban and rural industrial integration” and “tourism resource development” research. With the goal of integrating urban and rural industries to promote the integration of urban and rural development, we will explore the effective path of tourism resource development under the background of urban and rural industrial integration. The research gives full play to the forward-related effects of Tacheng's primary industry (planting industry), taps the value of Tacheng's tertiary industry (tourism, catering industry), and promotes the secondary industry (specialties) that usse Tacheng's superior planting products as raw materials, taking agricultural tourism resources development as an entry point, exploring the cooperation mode of tourism resources sharing between China and Kazakhstan, cultivating the supply and demand chain between the three industries of Tacheng, and forming a three-industry linkage and recyclable green industry development model. Through the development of Tacheng waters scenery, biological tourism, tourism commodity resources, the city carefully creates "Tacheng in oil paintings" - "Qianquan Tacheng city", "garden Tachengcity", "fruit and vegetable Tacheng city", "kitchen Tacheng city", "Silu Tacheng city" and other series of special tourism brands. It provides a reference for the development of tourism resources under the background of urban and rural industrial integration for the agricultural-oriented border town.
- Key words: urban and rural; industries integration; China and Kazakhstan; Tacheng city; tourism resources
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